Are Employers Required to Warn Their Probationers In Senior Roles in a Company about Their Poor Performance Before Dismissing Them?

Under Malaysia employment laws, a probationer enjoys similar rights as a full-time employee. As such, an Employer is not allowed to dismiss her probationer without “just cause and excuse”. Having said that, a probationer can be dismissed for poor performance. In simpler terms, a “poor performance” is when the probationer’s job performance falls below the … Read more

COVID-19 Update: Unfair Dismissal in Malaysia.

The Malaysian Government has issued a Movement Control Order (“MCO”) to contain the spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19), taking effect from 18th March to 28th April. During this period, all government and private business premises are forced to shut down, save for essential services in areas such as utilities, telecommunications, transport, banking, health, and food supply. … Read more