6 Reasons Why You Should Have A Shareholders’ Agreement.

A Shareholders’ Agreement is a legally binding contract entered between the shareholders of a company. Although, it is not a legal requirement, having a well-prepared agreement drafted by your lawyers can act as a safeguard. The main purpose of this important agreement is to protect the shareholders’ investment in the company and to regulate the … Read more

Movement Control Order: FAQ On Contracts

The Movement Control Order (“MCO“) has forced many businesses to shut down temporarily, and many contracts could not be proceeded due to this movement restriction.   This has raised concerns to businesses, as there may be a disruption in the supply chain, closure of office premises, or an inability to make delivery of certain products. … Read more

Exemption Clause: Can A Party Exclude His Liability In A Contract?

Exemption clauses, or often being called as “disclaimers”, are terms in a contract by which a party seeks to exclude, or limit liabilities for the breach of contract or for some torts. There are 2 types of exemption clause, (1) Exclusion Clause; and (2) Limitation Clause.   Here are some common examples:   Exclusion Clause: … Read more

Can Employers Prevent An Employee From Joining A Competitor After The Employment Ends?

You may have seen this type of clause in your employment contract: “After the termination of employment for any reason whatsoever, the employee shall not for a period of 12 months from the date of termination carry out any business of any nature that is similar in nature to or is in competition with the … Read more