CHERN & CO. successfully applies for Worlwide Mareva Injunction

CHERN & CO. was recently appointed to act for a Hong Kong-based investment and project management consulting firm (“our Client”) to apply for a Mareva Injunction before the High Court of Shah Alam, pending the outcome of arbitration at the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (“HKIAC”). BRIEF FACTS On June 2021, our Client had entered … Read more

Fraudulent Misrepresentation in Business

Recently, the most common complaints we received from our clients involved the buying and selling of personal protection equipment (“PPE”). We have seen businesses fraudulently claiming that they have ready stock of gloves or PPEs. Once payment is made, the Buyers would often realize that the Seller could never meet order requirements in time, and their … Read more

Buying a SMEs Business: An Overview of Legal Due Diligence

A due diligence process seeks to reveal the potential risks hidden within a company. For this reason, it is widely and commonly used in company/business acquisition. While due diligence is recognized as a process of investigating, analyzing and assessing the relevant documents about the target company, for the purposes of the article, we will focus … Read more

Making Sure A SMEs Business Is Worth Buying: Legal Due Diligence

Many buyers think of skipping due diligence as they believe they already have a clear understanding of the target company. But it is vital for buyers to always remember that there may still be aspects of legal liabilities that were intentionally hidden from them. Due diligence can you help you identify the possible red flags … Read more

New Anti Corruption Law Malaysia, and How Are Your Businesses Affected?

“Corporate Liability Provision” Under Section 17A The new Section 17A MACC Act [1], which will come into effect 1st June 2020, (hereinafter referred to as “the new provision”) is of great significance for all companies incorporated in or carrying on business in Malaysia. The new provision will impact businesses of all shapes and sizes regardless … Read more

6 Reasons Why You Should Have A Shareholders’ Agreement.

A Shareholders’ Agreement is a legally binding contract entered between the shareholders of a company. Although, it is not a legal requirement, having a well-prepared agreement drafted by your lawyers can act as a safeguard. The main purpose of this important agreement is to protect the shareholders’ investment in the company and to regulate the … Read more